Hi 👋
Azriz Haziq

Javascript developer

Mohd Azriz Haziq Jasni

Hey thanks for visiting, this is the place where you can find my

side-projects and blogs. Hope you enjoy it and do share with others 🙂.
Click below 👇
  • laravel
  • graphql
  • Cypress, Playwright, Puppeteer
  • readability > performance
  • React
  • mac(brew, zsh)
  • Git
  • Typescript
  • 2 spaces
  • Chrome Devtool
  • Github Action
  • Bootstrap 4
  • npm
  • Redux
  • webpack
  • jwt
  • curry
  • yarn
  • unit testing
  • code-splitting
  • UX
  • img-fallback
  • Javascript (ESNext)
  • web-responsive
  • functional programming
  • prettier
  • date-fns
  • Nodejs
  • form validation
  • .filter, .reduce, .map
  • RXJS
  • HTML
  • Angular 7+
  • typescript
  • CSS
  • grid/flex
  • SCSS
  • compose/pipe
  • vim
  • partial application
  • Set, Map
  • object-oriented programming